The fight against trafficking in human beings was also a topic at the training on 12 March. A total of 161 diplomats participated in the trainings on human trafficking so far.

The subject of human trafficking being integrated into the curriculum and examination of the newly appointed Hungarian consuls was one of the priorities in Hungary's National Anti-Trafficking Strategy for 2020–2023. As a result of the cooperation between the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade both objectives have already been fulfilled. 

Since August 2019, experts the counter-trafficking unit of the Ministry of Interior have been holding trainings on a monthly basis as part of the preparatory course for the consular exam. During these sessions, the institutional and legal framework for combatting trafficking in human beings, the methodology of victim identification as well as the victim referral mechanism are presented. In the practice-oriented part of the trainings, the participants observe the signs of victimization through videos, on the basis of which then they fill out the identification data sheet set out in the Government Decree. 

In addition to consuls, migration liaison officers and visa advisors also take part occasionally before deployment. In view of the coronavirus epidemic the training series continued online from spring 2020.