On 19 November 2019, the Crime Prevention Unit of the Győr-Moson-Sopron County Police Headquarters - with the co-ordination of the National Police Headquarters - held a round-table discussion on the shared tasks in the fight against human trafficking.

In addition to the police, representatives of the court, prosecutor's office, government office, municipalities, child protection institutes, civil organizations and church also participated in the roundtable discussion. The main purpose of the event was to exchange information and experience in the field against human trafficking.

At the event, an expert from the Regional Directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing reported on the organization's activities in combating human trafficking. Besides, participants discussed the most recent cases and further tasks and cooperation frameworks were identified. The round-table discussion also facilitates the implementation of a county-level coordination mechanism.

The below link directs to the official police news about the event, which also contains helpful tips to avoid becoming a victim: http://www.police.hu/hu/hirek-es-informaciok/bunmegelozes/aktualis/fokuszban-az-emberkereskedelem-elleni-kuzdelem-0