Institutional Framework

In Hungary, the Ministry of Interior is responsible for coordinating the fight against human trafficking. The Deputy State Secretary for EU and International Affairs of the Ministry acts as the National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, assisted by the Unit for Counter Trafficking and Horizontal Issues.

The phenomenon of human trafficking requires the close and continuous cooperation of several policy fields. In order to improve the information flow and the organization of work, in 2008 the Ministry of the Interior set up the National Coordination Mechanism, consisting of the ministries and other state bodies involved in the fight against human trafficking, as well as the non-governmental organizations operating the state-funded sheltered accommodations.

The work of the National Coordination Mechanism is complemented by the NGO Roundtable, which brings together all non-governmental organizations working in the field of prevention and victim support. The two formations usually meet twice a year. The purpose of these events is to brief on recent activities, discuss current professional issues and future goals, such as the progress of the National Anti-Trafficking Strategy for 2020–2023, and provide information on available calls for proposal.

The membership and anti-trafficking activities of the National Coordination Mechanism:

Victim referral protocol

Methodology for identifying victims of trafficking accompanied by the presumed perpetrator 


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