SANSZ handbook just released in a new look

Publicated on: February 7, 2023

At the beginning of the year, the second revised edition of SANSZ – Supporting Material for Professionals was published with the aim of providing practical guidance for members of the signalling system on the identification and assistance of victims of trafficking in human beings.

The Ministry of Interior first came out with the publication in 2019, but in the past three years there have been various institutional and legislative changes in the field of the fight against trafficking as well as the range of victim support services significantly expanded. In view of this, Government Decision No. 1228/2022 adopting the Action Plan for 2022–2023 of the National Anti-Trafficking Strategy provided for the revision and updating of the previous handbook.

The new edition gives an overview of the concepts and legal norms related to trafficking in human beings, presents the procedures for the identification and referral of the victims, as well as contributes to the proper and effective supporting work.

The handbook is primarily intended for the bodies obliged to identification as defined in Government Decree No. 354/2012, so it provides a useful professional background for social, health and victim support professionals, educators, labour inspectors, law enforcement and judicial practitioners in particular.

The publication was produced in a handy A6 format, with a total of 3,000 copies. At present, the Ministry of Interior is distributing it to the partner organizations and has also made it available electronically in the Hungarian version of the Studies and Literature section.


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