The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Hungary office held a closing event on 23 March 2023, as regards of their Complex Return and Reintegration programme and the „Don’t let it happen, don’t make it happen” anti-trafficking campaign.
According to the presentation, in the framework of the project entitled “Complex return and reintegration programme for victims of trafficking in human beings” (BBA-5.4.5/17-2020-00001), IOM organised the safe return and reintegration support for a total of 21 Hungarian citizens who had been victims of trafficking abroad.
8 of the 15 women and 6 men victims were placed in shelters. According to the presentation, training was organised for consular officials to identify the victims and intensive relations were established with victim support organisations in Switzerland, the Netherlands and Germany, where statistics show the highest number of Hungarian victims. The consulates have identified a quarter of the victims.
In cooperation with the National Police Headquarters and the Traumaközpont Nonprofit Public Benefit Ltd. the aim of the „Don’t let it happen, don’t make it happen – anti-trafficking campaign”. (BBA-5.1.6/10-2019-00001) was to contribute to the fight against trafficking in human beings by raising social awareness and to raise the awareness of the Hungarian population about the phenomenon and the dangers of trafficking in human beings, thus reducing the risk of victimization on the supply side and the demand for trafficking-related services on the demand side. The campaign included visits to institutions, drama plays, research and a national media campaign. The event also included the screening of a short film on the topic entitled “Crossroads”.
For more information about IOM Hungary's anti-trafficking activities, please visit their website here.
The trailer of the movie “Crossroads” can be found here.